Make your reports here

Discover our whistleblowing channel, designed for you to report anonymously, easily, and quickly. Your voice matters, and here we provide the platform to make it heard without complications.

You can contact us through WhatsApp, send us an email to our reporting inbox, or use our online form.


  1. Receipt of Complaints:
    • All employees are aware of the existence of the complaints channel and how to access it.
    • There is a system in place to classify and record each complaint confidentially.
  2. Anonymity and Confidentiality:
    • The possibility to make complaints anonymously is guaranteed.
    • Measures are implemented to protect the confidentiality of the complainants and the information provided.
  3. Internal Investigation:
    • An independent and competent investigation team will be assigned to evaluate each complaint.
    • There is a clear and specific investigation process in place to address complaints effectively.
  4. Transparent Communication:
    • There is a protocol for transparently communicating the results of investigations.
    • Periodic updates are provided to complainants, whenever possible without compromising confidentiality.
  5. Whistleblower Protection:
    • There are measures in place to protect whistleblowers from potential retaliation.
    • Clear policies against discrimination or retaliation towards those who make good faith complaints are established.
  6. Annual Report of Complaints:
    • An annual report summarizing the number and type of complaints received, actions taken, and internally learned lessons is prepared and published within Inversiones Santa Eliana Limitada.
  7. Continuous Training:
    • There is a plan for periodic training for employees on the importance of the reporting channel and how to utilize it effectively. 
  8. Continuous Evaluation:
    • Conducts regular assessments of the functioning of the reporting channel to identify potential improvements. 

The implementation of this complaints channel and protocol at Inversiones Santa Eliana Limitada enhances corporate readiness to address any issues in an ethical and transparent manner, promoting an organizational culture based on integrity and accountability.

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