Road Use Mitigators
Dust Suppressors are products of our own development and production, certified by CENMA and compliant with EPA standards, meeting the highest quality standards and delivering efficient results in the chemical stabilization of soils. Not forgetting the significant contribution to road safety, increasing productivity and saving operational costs. They also extend the lifespan of machinery and improve air quality for all organization collaborators.
CBR PLUS®Ionic Stabilizer for granular road surfaces, exclusively represented in Chile by Dust Control, is based on a synthetic anionic compound with surface activating properties that reduce soil plasticity, swelling, and dust release. Additionally, it increases the optimum density and Bearing Value.
Dust Suppressant and Granular Road Surface Stabilizer, formulated based on high-dispersion bituminous emulsion, specially crafted for effective control of diffuse emissions and structural enhancements of road surfaces.
Efficiency achieved in particulate matter control compared to the baseline:
- PM10: 95 %.
- PM2,5: 97 %.
Petrosoil SP-10: At the request of one of our clients, the formula was modified to further increase the dust suppressant's performance, enhancing its adherence to the road surface and achieving greater resistance to increased vehicular traffic flow due to project expansion.
Dust Suppressant and Granular Road Surface Stabilizer, formulated based on plant-based and mineral products, specially crafted for effective control of diffuse emissions and structural enhancements of road surfaces.
Efficiency achieved:
- PM10 95 %.
- PM2,5 98 %.
Dust Suppressant for dirt roads, formulated based on a solution mixture of Calcium Chloride and a vegetal compound derived from sugar cane, which has binding properties on the fine soil matrix, complementing the hygroscopic property of Calcium Chloride.
Supress Ca is a flagship product of the company, reflecting our ability to innovate with social impact. This product was applied by the Intendancy of Atacama, generating a mitigation project for post-flood particulate matter in the cities of Copiapó, Chañaral, Diego de Almagro, and Tierra Amarilla, improving the quality of life for residents after a climatic catastrophe.
It is a product developed based on a dispersion of a high molecular weight vegetal solution derived from sugar cane, which produces a surface coating effect and also has chelating properties that allow it to retain heavy metals.
Control of pollution from emissions of fine particulate matter generated by wind effect on the Stock Piles.
Dust suppressant and granular road surface stabilizer formulated based on modified bituminous emulsion plus the addition of vegetable esters, specially crafted for effective control of diffuse emissions and structural enhancements of road surfaces.
Efficiency achieved in particulate matter control compared to the baseline:
- PM10: 95,6 %
- PM2,5: 97,5 %,
DC 5500
Supresor de Polvo y reductor de consumo de agua para uso en caminos No Pavimentados de Minería o Proyectos de Construcción, principalmente en Caminos Mineros de circulación de camiones de Alto Tonelaje.
Producto formulado en base a Polímero Acrílico más agentes surfactantes
Supresor de Polvo para uso en caminos no pavimentados Públicos, Industriales, De Servicios, Mineros y agrícolas, como así también para uso en costración de superficies para control de emisiones por efecto eólico como Taludes de Caminos o Tranques, Coronación de Tranques de Relave, Stock Pile, etc. Producto formulado en base a Polímero Acrílico.
Ionic Stabilizer
Liquid chemical road stabilizer, specifically designed for soil improvement in road construction. It is applied along with compaction water. It is used in both natural roads and structural layers of pavement. Its range of use covers all clayey soils, or those that contain at least 5% clay.
In the former, it will improve their physical and chemical characteristics, and in those where the clay content is minor, it will facilitate workability and compaction. The stabilized layers provide adequate strength and long service life, allowing for variable structural combinations depending on the type of traffic.
CBR PLUS®Ionic Stabilizer for granular road surfaces, exclusively represented in Chile by Dust Control, is based on a synthetic anionic compound with surface activating properties that reduce soil plasticity, swelling, and dust release. Additionally, it increases the optimum density and Bearing Value.
Nebulizing Equipment
We are representatives of the Tekno Spray dust control systems line from the Italian company Trime. .
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